Promoting, Nurturing, supporting known & Unknown artists, entertainers, performers, models, Musicians across the globe
Golden Globe Honors Foundation extends a once in a lifetime opportunity to all the renowned, budding, and lesser-known Artists, Entertainers, Performers, Models, Musicians across the globe who have dedicated their life in one way or another towards the environmental protection and humanitarian causes by making monetary contributions or by raising awareness through their work, thus inspiring the rest of the humanity to rise up for a purpose and turn the initiatives such as awareness campaigns, environmental protection, and community upliftment into a global movement.
Here at Golden Globe Honors Foundation, we are set out on a mission to recognize and acknowledge such torchbearers of kindness and compassion, shining strong like a beam of light and hope to the rest of humanity.
How does it work?
Whether you are from the field of art, music, culture, entrepreneurship, or education and committed towards uplifting the communities and the planet as a whole, now is your chance to make your mark— either through your work or by making monetary contributions towards Golden Globe Honors Foundation.
Broadcast your talent
Let us know of your contributions that you made through your work towards humanitarian initiatives, environment protection, or social upliftment. Our team will review, and, on the basis of merit, you’ll be honored the Human of Hope honors or you could be featured in our Golden Globe Honors Story.
A digital copy of the honors will be featured on our website, and also across the globe, wherever and wherever we run our social media awareness campaigns as part of our global initiative, thus giving a worldwide amplification to your work and talent.
We will also be extending you an opportunity to showcase your talent by performing in front of the global audience through awareness campaigns that we keep running from time to time.