Dr. Raziya Sultana


Talking about this astounding personality, Dr. Raziya Sultana, as a doctor, has contributed to the greater cause of human beings by saving a lot of lives in the critical Covid-19 crisis. She has worked day and night, providing her patients with the best of medical help and treatment, that has ultimately led to their betterment and bestowed upon them the longevity of their lives. She has won many hearts with her humanitarian nature. Being an environmentalist, she has dedicated her life in some way or the other towards environmental protection and humanitarian causes, either by making monetary contributions or by raising awareness through her work, thereby inspiring and encouraging the rest of humanity to stand up to a cause and transform the initiatives into a global movement on a mass scale.

With the efficacious platform of Golden Globe Honors Foundation, Dr. Raziya Sultana has been an active participant in serving mankind and nurturing Mother Earth through the foundation's 'Planet Matters' initiative, that stresses on the fact that humanity must always be preserved in the form of love for the people, the planet, and the ones that believe in creating a self-sustainable future and sustainable socio-economic environment that binds and connects human beings.

The list of her achievements and contributions seem to be never-ending. She has contributed towards Autism for children awareness campaign rides, environmental & plantation drives, Hygiene Awareness campaign rides across many states, which has helped in creating an alarm in the minds of the people to stand up to and contribute to greater humanitarian causes, ensuring a sustainable environment all around. Besides all of this, she is also an adventurous rider and a bike enthusiast, who knows how to maintain the perfect balance between her personal and professional life. (Source : Golden Globe Honors Team)

Dr. Raziya Sultana has been the face of many young budding social activists fighting for women's rights, child rights, etc. by empowering young people to buck the norms and bring about real change amongst their peers, in their communities, and for them too, and thereby become a global changemaker. She is also a social entrepreneur, and philanthropist who believes in the idea of a self-sustainable life. She has taken active participation in certain setups and projects that can effectively change the outlook of the world.
